These pictures are from my trip to Europe, July 4th - 17th, 2001

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The New Church in Delft, Holland The Old Church in Delft, Holland Some pictures of my nephews Tyler and Brett and my sister Helen at their house in Oss, Holland

These are a few pictures from Ghent in Belgium

This is the outside and the top of the Castle of the Counts These two are views from the top of the castle Here's a couple buildings in Ghent (I don't know what the are)


I spent a day in Trier, Germany with my sister Helen and her family

This is the Trier Cathedral.  They had a huge organ in there.  The whole thing was just gorgeous. Here is the Electoral Palace.  The gold trim makes it look spectacular.  They also had a beautiful garden in this area. Tyler looking out over the old Roman ampitheater


I was in Prague for about 2 days, where I saw a collection of Mozart pieces at the same theater where Mozart himself premiered Don Giovanni (of which I saw the marionette version here as well)

This is the view looking down from the Narodni Muzeum These pictures are of the Powder Tower in downtown Prague, one of the outside, two the inside, and another two looking over the city from the top of the tower Obecni Dum, which is right next to the Powder Tower
This is the Astronomical Clock, which tells time about a dozen different ways

Old Town Hall

Pictures from the Old Town Square

The view of downtown from the Prague Castle Here are the gates to the Prague Castle Throne room of the Royal Palace

The Royal Palace

St. Vitus' Cathedral (on the Prague Castle grounds)

In St. George's Basilica (also on the castle grounds)


The last days of my trip were spent in London, where I stayed with my friend Morenike

Morenike and I saw a production of Shakespeare's Cymbeline at the restored Globe Theatre, which was rebuilt recently to be a replica of the theatre as it looked during Shakespeare's time

Here's Morenike Tower Bridge Tower of London Jewel House at the Tower of London Throne room in the Palace at the Tower A complete model of the Tower of London
Look kids!  Big Ben... Parliament Statues of Lincoln and Churchill in the area around Big Ben and Westminster Abby Buckingham Palace
This was so cool!  They sealed up a car and turned it into an aquarium - see the goldfish? The rest of the pictures are at Leeds Castle, an hour or two east of London Swans on the castle grounds

Here is the hedge maze as seen from the center mound

These are pictures from the grotto, which is found underground at the center of the hedge maze, there was a lot of VERY interesting decorations down there...

More from the grotto...